Public Health Wales Annual Survey: User External user feedback on data and knowledge products 

We’re inviting you to help shape Public Health Wales’s data and knowledge outputs to make sure they’re as suitable, useful, and impactful as possible. These outputs include any research, evaluation, evidence, or analytical-based products we produce such as reports, dashboards, toolkits, newsletters, and other resources that you might use.   

Our annual survey on data and knowledge products can be accessed through the link below until Friday 5th July 2024 and is completely anonymous.  

Public Health Wales User Survey 

Last year’s survey gave us lots of valuable insight to help us improve and has fed into work such as our web transformation project and publication standards work.  

This is your chance to shape what we do and how we do it to make sure our knowledge products keep evolving and improving to meet stakeholder needs and have the best impact they can. 

Please help us expand our reach by encouraging anyone you are aware of that uses or could be using Public Health Wales data and knowledge to fill in the survey too.   

If you have any questions, please contact  

Thank you in advance for your time. It should take about 10 minutes (just enough time for a coffee!).

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