About us
About Public Health Network Cymru
What is Public Health Network Cymru?
Public Health Network Cymru was established in 2015 for professionals working on improving the health and wellbeing of the population of Wales and combined four previous topic specific networks which were hosted by Public Health Wales. The Network now has over 2,400 members from a range of sectors and organisations including the NHS, Local Authorities, Welsh Government, academia, third sector and private sector. The Network covers a broad spectrum of topics including prevention in healthcare, health-related behaviours, mental wellbeing and has a focus on the wider determinants of health – housing, education, employment, income and resources and the environment.

What is the aim and objectives of the network?
The aim of the Network is to inform, facilitate and create connections for those working in public, private and third sectors in order to improve population health and wellbeing in Wales.
This will be achieved by:
Sharing knowledge from a diverse range of perspectives, including policy, research and practice to improve population health and wellbeing.
Facilitating the development of solutions and approaches to inform policy, practice and research by bringing diverse perspectives together in creative spaces.
Connecting members and building a community to advance the common goal of improving population health and wellbeing through action across society.
Helping people from a range of sectors to recognise their current and potential contribution to population health and wellbeing.
Who hosts the Network?
The Wider Determinants of Health Unit, Health and Wellbeing Directorate in Public Health Wales hosts the Network.
Meet the Network team

Catherine Evans
Network Co-ordinator
Catherine joined the NHS in 2003 after graduating from the University of Wales Institute Cardiff with a BSc (Hons) in Food Studies.

Marie Griffiths
Network Co-ordinator
Marie joined the NHS in 2002, starting in Health Promotion in an administrative role.

Dr Ciarán Humphreys
Consultant in Public Health
Ciarán is a Consultant in Public Health Medicine, working in the field of health inequalities and wider determinants of health.

Jamie Topp
Digital Content Officer
Jamie joined the team in January 2022, having previously worked for the Public Health Wales Communications Team for two years.

Emma Girvan
Senior Public Health Practitioner
Emma has worked in the field of health in the NHS for over 15 years and has spent the last 9 years working with the Betsi Cadwaladr Local Public Health Team.

How is the Network governed?
A Network Advisory Group was established in 2016 to represent Network members with a remit to advise and support the Network to achieve its aims and objectives and to support Public Health Wales and its partners and stakeholders in the effective delivery of the ‘Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015’ and other relevant policies and plans. The Advisory Group is chaired by Dr Ciáran Humphreys, Consultant in Public Health (Public Health Wales) and meets on a quarterly basis.
Want to know more?
If you want to know more about the Network, have ideas on its development or a specific area of work you would like to share with members please contact the Network team.
What are the benefits of being a member of the Network?
Early access to content
Connecting you to members with similar interests
Sharing your work with members
Contributing to our webinars
The ability to save our content to your own account

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