Social Partnership – it’s the ‘Welsh Way,’ and it works! – Sarah Murphy

Outlining a Wales-specific vision for an economy which promotes fair work and equality – the Social Partnership Minister, Sarah Murphy today made her first keynote speech since her appointment to Cabinet.

The ‘Welsh Way’, the Minister told a delegation in Cardiff including the Future Generations Commissioner, trade unions and representatives from the public and private sectors, is: “…based on relationships borne out of trust and respect. And during the current economic climate it’s more important now than ever before.”

The Minister said:

“In Wales we have a long-standing and successful blueprint for social partnership working, bringing together partners from across government, employers, and trade unions to collaborate and co-produce solutions to shared problems.

“We’ve been doing it for a long time. It is an embedded way of working in Wales. It’s ‘the Welsh Way.’

“I believe that the ‘Welsh way’ should be characterised by shared ownership of problems and a shared commitment to joint solutions. It’s a model that transcends barriers.

“It provides us with an opportunity to build an economy that promotes fair work, equality, and economic, social and environmental justice. One where we all have a voice.”

Since the Welsh Government placed social partnership on a statutory footing a little over a year ago,  the Social Partnership Council has been established and public bodies are required by law not just to consult but to actively seek consensus or compromise with their recognised trade unions.

Examples of social partnership in practice include the Real Living Wage being implemented in the social care sector in Wales through the collective efforts of employers, unions and government. The Retail Forum has been established for members of the retail sector along with government and trade unions to collectively address key issues facing the sector.

Reflecting on these examples, the Minister concluded:

“It’s a proven model.  It works”

“We are working in partnership to make a difference for our communities, our economy and our country – ensuring workers’ voices are heard.

“Bringing together the collective expertise of social partners to lead to better outcomes for people right across Wales and changing lives.”

As well as overseeing social partnerships, Sarah Murphy’s Ministerial responsibilities also cover living wage, fair work, tourism, the hospitality and retail sectors, the creative sector and public procurement across Wales.

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