‘How Are We Doing in Wales’ public engagement survey results

The results of the latest ‘How Are We Doing in Wales’ public engagement survey have been released by Public Health Wales.

The key findings are:

  • 12 per cent of people said they were ‘very worried’ about catching coronavirus. This is down from 24 per cent when people were surveyed a year ago (14–20 December 2020).
  • 85 per cent of people agreed with the policy requiring people in Wales to show an NHS COVID Pass or recent negative lateral flow test in order to attend nightclubs or large events.
  • 70 per cent of people reported regularly using lateral flow tests; up from 55 per cent in the last survey round (27 September to 4 October 2021).
  • 91 per cent support the continued requirement for face coverings in shops and other indoor public places in Wales.

The latest Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) public engagement survey report from Public Health Wales covers December 2021, when 512 people were surveyed.

Public Health Wales has conducted interviews with thousands of people aged 18 or over across Wales, to understand how Coronavirus and the measures being used to prevent its spread are affecting the physical, mental and social wellbeing of people in Wales. Since April 2020, more than 24,000 Welsh residents have participated in the survey.

The survey is part of a raft of measures implemented by Public Health Wales to support public health and wellbeing through Coronavirus.

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