£2.4m for projects to reduce NHS Wales emissions

The Health and Social Care Climate Emergency National Programme is looking to fund projects from health boards and NHS organisations in a bid to reduce carbon emissions by more than a third by 2030.

NHS Wales produces around 1m tonnes of CO2 equivalent a year and is the largest public sector emitter in Wales.

Eligible projects for the £2.4m funding must deliver towards the ambition for the Welsh public sector to be collectively Net Zero by 2030 and/or increase resilience to the impacts of climate change, by:

  • Supporting communication, engagement or behavioural change activity that helps embed the climate change agenda within the organisation, and/or
  • Driving the implementation of organisation-level decarbonisation plans, including through funding specific initiatives or posts, and/or
  • Providing funding for small to medium-sized grass-roots initiatives or innovation activity.

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