Strong public support for government action against obesity
A new survey by Public Health Wales shows strong public support in Wales for government action to make the food we buy healthier.
In the survey, 57 per cent of people agree that governments should use financial tools like taxes to reduce sugar in foods with high levels. Twenty nine per cent disagree.
Eighty one per cent also think that healthy drink options, such as water or milk, should be the default option for children’s meal deal offers. Seventy per cent say that advertising of unhealthy food and drinks to children should be banned.
Eighty four per cent of people say they intend to take action within the next 12 months to achieve or maintain a healthy weight – but 34 per cent say that too many temptations might stop them from taking the action.
The new findings come as governments in Wales, Scotland and England consider the next steps to make food environments healthier.
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