On 1 March 2021, the law around smoking in certain settings in Wales will change

The new legislation will mean that hospital grounds, schools grounds and public playgrounds, as well as outdoor day care and child-minding settings will be required to be smoke-free.

Requiring more public places in Wales to be smoke-free will help reduce exposure to harmful second-hand smoke and will help reduce a known trigger for ex-smokers to re-start. Hospitals are places where we support people to make positive choices about their health so requiring all hospital sites to be smoke-free will promote healthier care environments and help support smokers using hospital services, visiting or working in hospitals to quit.

Reducing the number of young people taking up smoking saves lives. Therefore banning smoking in areas where children and young people go regularly, like public playgrounds and school grounds, will de-normalise smoking behaviour and reduce the chances of children and young people taking up smoking.

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