Public Health England investigate overlap between the cold and Covid-19
Public Health England (PHE) has released a Health Matters briefing examining overlap between cold conditions and covid.
Within the document they highlight why tackling cold homes should be a priority in the context of the covid pandemic and some key actions across Local Authorities, health and social care commissioners, Directors of Public Health, community and voluntary sectors and at the national level. Whilst the recommendations are written for the English context, the main findings could help to prevent harm in Wales, particularly to those most vulnerable to living in a cold home this winter.
The report notes that some of the groups most vulnerable to cold weather, include: older people, people with pre-existing chronic medical conditions such as cardiovascular and respiratory conditions, in particular chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma, and diabetes, people assessed as being at risk of or having had recurrent falls, people who are living in households experiencing fuel poverty and people experiencing homelessness or rough sleeping.
The document goes on to add that many of these groups are also at greater risk of severe illness from COVID-19, as well as other winter illnesses such as flu. Therefore, it is more important than ever that those most vulnerable are supported this year.
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