Safest summer on Welsh roads, new statistics show
The latest police recorded collision stats, covering July – September 2024, show collisions on Welsh roads at their lowest level for that quarter since records began, including during the pandemic.
The figures provide the first year of statistics since the default 20mph speed limit was introduced.
They show there were around 100 fewer people killed or seriously injured on roads with 20mph and 30mph road speed limits in the 12 month period after the introduction of the 20mph default speed limit, compared to the same period a year before.
The number of casualties on roads with 20 and 30mph road speed limits (combined) in 2024 between July and September was the lowest Q3 figures in Wales since records began.
During the 12 month period from 2023 Q4 to 2024 Q3 (i.e. after the introduction of the 20mph default speed limit), the number of casualties on 20 and 30mph roads (combined) is 28% lower than the same period a year before.
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