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Prevention and Improvement in Health and Healthcare
Healthcare is not just about detecting and treating disease but also supporting people to live healthier lives and helping people to manage long term conditions and maintain a good quality of life.
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Some populations are at higher risk of ill-health due to genetic, behavioural, socioeconomic and environmental factors. A key role of public health is to understand health inequalities across different populations and work with partners to improve the life chances of everyone.
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Health related behaviours
These are actions individuals take that affect their health and wellbeing and include harmful behaviours such as smoking, health protective behaviours including physical activity and eating a balanced diet and health seeking behaviours such as going to the GP or dentist.
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Mental wellbeing
Mental wellbeing relates to our ability to feel confident with ourselves, develop and maintain supportive relationships, have a sense of purpose, live and work productively, cope with normal daily stresses and adapt positively to change.
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Wider determinants of health
Living conditions including housing, access to education and work, the built environment and air quality have a significant impact on health outcomes and health inequalities throughout our lives.
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Health in all policies
Health in all policies is a collaborative approach which focuses on the links and relationships between health policies and policies from other sectors such as education, housing, employment, the environment and planning.
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Approaches and methods in public health practice
Public health practice is both an art and science and uses a number of approaches drawn from medicine, the behavioural and social sciences and management sciences.
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