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Reaching out: Supporting services to engage with the most vulnerable drinkers

Wednesday 18th October 2023
With Alcohol Change UK

Online, over two half-days

The people facing the most serious alcohol issues often face the greatest difficulties accessing the support they need. At this online learning event, we’ll be hearing from people with personal and professional experience about how we can reach out better.

Alcohol Change UK’s conferences are focussed on helping you find practical solutions to real-world issues – meeting people where they are and supporting them to overcome the obstacles that stand between them and a fulfilling life.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Mike Ward from Alcohol Change UK, on why cognitive impairment is about much more than ARBD.
  • Cardiff and the Vale Drug and Alcohol Service (CAVDAS), on the benefits of undertaking assertive street outreach with peer supporters.
  • Adfam, sharing experiences of adults living with an intimate partner’s alcohol use.
  • Recovery Cymru, on the uniqueness of every recovery journey and how services need to respond.
  • Gemma Yarwood from Manchester Metropolitan University, on end-of-life care for people with substance use issues.

If you want to make sure alcohol support services reach those in greatest need, then this is the conference for you.

Download the agenda here.

Tickets are £35 +VAT for each half-day, or £60 +VAT for both half-days together.

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