Proportion of children with a healthy weight comparable to pre-pandemic levels but issues remain

The number of children aged 4-5 years who were of a healthy weight is broadly similar to that of pre-pandemic levels, in the six health boards that have submitted data to the 2021-22 Child Measurement Programme published by Public Health Wales.

The proportion of children with obesity remains higher in the areas with the greatest deprivation in all six health boards. At Local Authority level the proportion of children having obesity ranged from 9.9 per cent in Monmouthshire to 15.8 per cent in Neath Port Talbot.

With childhood obesity remaining an ongoing issue, Public Health Wales’ Every Child website offers parents and carers a wealth of information to ensure their children have the best start in life.

Based around ’10 Steps to a Healthy Weight’, the site gives parents practical and useful tips about how to ensure their child gets enough fruit and vegetables, spends time playing outdoors, gets enough sleep, and limits screen time.

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