A stronger, greener, fairer Wales for everyone

The First Minister will today set out ambitious plans for a stronger, greener and fairer Wales as he launches the Programme for Government.

The 5-year plan shows how the new Welsh Government will deliver on the promises made to voters during the Senedd 2021 election and how it will tackle the big challenges we face in Wales.

Climate change and the environment will be at the heart of the new government – a new “super-Ministry” has been created, bringing together the big policy areas to help Wales reach its legally binding target of reaching Net Zero by 2050.

For the first time, transport, planning, housing and energy are brought together, with the environment, to tackle the climate and nature emergencies, making sure climate change is firmly on the agenda for every public service and private sector business.

First Minister Mark Drakeford said:

We will build a fairer, greener, stronger and ever more successful Wales that we all want for ourselves and for each other. But I am determined that as we move Wales forward, no one will be left behind and no one will be held back. People in Wales look after each other, and this programme is built on exactly that principle. These plans will help move Wales forward beyond the pandemic which has affected every part of our lives. They focus on the areas where we can make the greatest difference to people and communities. We will help our learners catch up and help people into new jobs. We will restore capacity in the NHS and help our industries and businesses prepare for the opportunities that lie ahead of us. It is a transparent and achievable plan but recognises the need for radical action and innovative thinking in the face of unprecedented challenge.

The Programme for Government highlights the cross-cutting commitments and the Welsh Government’s wellbeing objectives.

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