17 Oct

Introduction to the principles of behaviour, behaviour change and applied behavioural science

Public Health Network Cymru

17 Oct

Date + Time

17th October 2024

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM




About this event

Behaviours play a key role in improving health and wellbeing. Identifying and understanding behaviours and factors that influence them, and how best to address these factors is integral to achieving the ambitions of public health policy and practice. This webinar will explore the critical role of behaviours in improving the health and wellbeing of Wales, explore what we mean by behaviour and consider the range of factors influencing behaviour using evidence-based models and frameworks.

Learning Outcomes

  • Increased understanding of the role of behaviours and behavioural science in public health
  • Increased awareness of the range of behavioural determinants and their importance as areas of focus for public health action
  • Knowledge of theoretical frameworks that can be used to identify behavioural determinants for public health action
  • Considered ways in which you might build behavioural science into your actions for better health
  • Increased knowledge of the Behavioural Science Unit and how to get more support for your efforts to increase the use of behavioural science in your work

Date + Time

17th October 2024

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM



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