Public Health Wales Launches Dedicated Workstream to Maximise Impact of School Food on Child Health

In a bid to enhance the health and well-being of children and young people across Wales, Public Health Wales has published a new report detailing how we can optimise the role of school food in promoting nutrition and reducing health inequalities. 

The report serves as a blueprint to foster a collective understanding of the pivotal role school food plays in shaping the health and well-being of children. It delves into various aspects, including the historical context of school food as a public health intervention, an overview of the current school food system in Wales, and the prevailing dietary habits and health status of school-aged children in the region. Moreover, it underscores the potential short, medium, and long-term impacts of school food on health and well-being. 

The report emphasises the significance of establishing effective healthy school food approaches to create conducive environments for the health and well-being of children and young people. It highlights several benefits, including equitable access to nutritious food, fostering sustainable dietary habits, and supporting educational attainment. 

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