Event ended.

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Building Strong Foundations: Enhancing Mental Health and Wellbeing for Babies, Children and Young People - Mercure Holland House

Thursday 20th February 2025
With Public Health Network Cymru

The conference aligned with the PHNC objectives of sharing knowledge, facilitating the developments of solutions and approaches and connecting members and building a community. The day followed a structure of policy, research and practice and included an ‘open space’ element which enables conversations with peers to discuss the challenges you face and allows you to share your experiences and encourage cross sector collaboration to find solutions.

Conference Agenda

Details of Presenters

Patterns in the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people

The importance of infant mental health and the role relationships play in building the foundations during the early years to enable the best start in life

A whole system approach to mental health and wellbeing; implementing the NYTH/NEST framework for babies, children and young people

Implementation of the Framework for embedding a Whole School Approach to Emotional and Mental Well-being in Wales: Three Years On

Local practice example – The Cwm Taf Morgannwg Baby and Toddler Voice

A Whole School Approach to Well-being

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