Cost of Living Crisis
Cost of Living Crisis
The UK is facing its biggest cost of living crisis in decades (Citizens Advice 2022).
The ‘cost of living crisis’ refers to the fall in ‘real’ disposable incomes (that is, adjusted for inflation and after taxes and benefits) that the UK has experienced since late 2021. As prices rise, people are faced with difficult choices about what to cut back on such as whether to ‘heat or eat’. There will be a potential impact on spending on leisure activities and being unable to pay bills including rent and council tax. This is likely to have serious health, well-being and equity implications for the population of Wales.

Resources and information for the public sector and local government:
Webinar: Taking action on the cost of living crisis in wales →
Public Health Wales Cost of Living Crisis in Wales: A Public Health Lens →
Building a Healthier Wales Cost of Living Summit Presentations:
Food→ Fuel→ Healthcare→ Income→ Mental Health→
More Building a Healthier Wales resources →
Local Government Association →
Resources and information for the third
sector and charities:
Wales Council for Voluntary Action Keeping the Lights On→
Wales Council for Voluntary Action Funding →
Wales Council for Voluntary Action Cost of Living→
Third Sector Support Wales Funding Wales→
Charities Aid Foundation Helping you with the finances →

Further information and resources will be added to this page regularly.
We welcome feedback on this selection, and suggestions for additional sources that may be of interest to members.